Want to get your pages reviewed by Jeff
in Season 2 of THE FEEDBACK LOOP?

~ ~ ~ Now Accepting Submissions ~ ~ ~

Simply email your first 3 pages (ONLY) as a PDF to:


Be sure to include your name and the title of your project.
Optionally, you can also include the title page,
your genre, a logline, and a synopsis.

NOTE: If you do not hear back from us within 2 weeks,
send a follow-up email to help@fastscreenplay.com

*     *     *

The Rules & How It Works

You must be the sole author of the pages you submit.
By submitting, you give Jeff Bollow, the Feedback Loop and Embryo Films
permission to review and display your pages publicly
for educational purposes as part of "The Feedback Loop"
educational script review series.

If your pages are selected, Jeff will review them live on an
upcoming session of "The Feedback Loop" (Tuesdays @ 3pm!).
You will be welcome (but not obligated) to attend the session live
to discuss your project and intentions, so that we can provide
you the greatest possible value in the feedback.

The live session may be edited down for clarity in the final episode
to highlight specific educational tips or advice based on
whatever topics arise during the review. We may also use
specific segments in stand-alone videos to highlight a tip or advice.

Your work (and you as writer) will always be treated respectfully.
Effective guidance and support requires mutual respect, and
your work will always be discussed with discretion and dignity.
Any problems or issues will be addressed in the context
(and with the good faith intention) of finding solutions and
seeking ways to improve, to achieve your desired outcome.

You will ALWAYS be credited as the sole author of your work,
and you will ALWAYS retain full and complete ownership of
your writing — including all storylines, characters, dialogue, etc.
Furthermore, we will always credit you and your pages by name
(unless you wish to remain publicly anonymous or use a
pseudonym, both of which are acceptable).

You may also be eligible for the WRITER'S SPOTLIGHT (a planned
segment on upcoming seasons of the show intended to promote writers
who submit their work), if you wish to be featured.
Should any producer, agent, or filmmaker contact us
expressing an interest in your project, we will put you
in direct contact with them, and we shall NOT be entitled to any
financial compensation (such as finders fees, commission, etc).
(We hope you'd tell us, so that we can share the news
and further promote you, but that is optional.)

THE FEEDBACK LOOP is entirely for educational purposes only.
There is no cost to submit your work or to get your project reviewed.
Any fees we charge for our membership area or access to
additional content are to cover the costs of running the service,
and of creating and maintaining the production.
As such, we cannot offer any financial compensation for any submission.
Jeff's review/assessment/discussion is the in-kind value we are
providing in return for the submission.

Our mission is to help as many writers as possible.
This service, show, website, and all feedback are provided
in good faith and in an effort to help.

*     *     *

If you have any questions, don't hestiate to let us know.

Our goal is to ensure that you enjoy the feedback experience,
and that you find it to be a helpful and transformative tool
to help you get where you're trying to go.


[   This page is current as of August 30, 2018   ]